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Map your client's journey like the action film it is

Writer's picture: KateKate

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

The hero's journey, a narrative structure commonly found in myths, stories, and folklore, shares striking similarities with the customer journey mapping process.

Both journeys involve a series of stages, challenges, transformations, and ultimate resolutions.

I like to think of it in three parts;




At the end we have results.

You are building a relationship with your client and it's important to understand where they are at and how they feel, this allows you to communicate more effectively with them, build rapport and have a deeper level of understanding.

Here's how the customer journey mapping can be likened to the hero's journey:

1. Call to Adventure (Awareness Stage):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero is called to embark on a quest, leaving their familiar world behind.

  • Customer Journey: Potential customers become aware of a need or desire, prompting them to explore solutions beyond their usual choices.

2. Refusal of the Call (Initial Hesitation):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero hesitates, reluctant to leave their comfort zone and face the unknown.

  • Customer Journey: Potential customers may hesitate, uncertain about trying a new product or service, expressing initial doubts or reservations.

3. Meeting the Mentor (Exploring Options):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero encounters a wise mentor figure who provides guidance and encouragement.

  • Customer Journey: Potential customers seek advice from online reviews, expert opinions, or peers, guiding them toward suitable options and building trust.

4. Crossing the Threshold (Commitment to Purchase):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero crosses into the unknown, fully committing to their quest.

  • Customer Journey: Customers make the decision to purchase, committing to exploring the chosen product or service despite uncertainties.

5. Tests, Allies, Enemies (Comparison and Evaluation):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero faces challenges, encounters allies, and confronts adversaries, learning and adapting along the way.

  • Customer Journey: Customers compare products, evaluate features, read reviews, and encounter competitors, gaining insights and forming preferences based on their experiences.

6. Approach to the Inmost Cave (Final Decision Making):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero approaches a dangerous place, preparing for a decisive confrontation.

  • Customer Journey: Customers approach the final decision-making stage, considering factors such as pricing, additional benefits, or limited-time offers before making the purchase.

7. Ordeal (Purchase and Post-Purchase Experience):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero faces a major crisis, undergoing a significant transformation or revelation.

  • Customer Journey: Customers experience the purchasing process, including payment, delivery, and initial product use, which solidifies their relationship with the brand.

8. Reward, Seizing the Sword (Satisfaction and Benefits):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero achieves the goal, obtains the reward, or gains newfound knowledge.

  • Customer Journey: Customers receive and use the product or service, enjoying the benefits, solutions, or transformation it offers, leading to satisfaction and loyalty.

9. The Road Back (Loyalty and Advocacy):

  • Hero's Journey: The hero prepares to return to the ordinary world, transformed by their experiences.

  • Customer Journey: Satisfied customers become loyal advocates, sharing positive experiences with friends, family, and social networks, completing the cycle and potentially influencing others' journeys.

Incorporating elements of the hero's journey into customer journey mapping provides businesses with a narrative framework to empathetically understand their customers, guiding them through challenges, and ultimately, toward a fulfilling and transformative experience.

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