There is a new series on the podcast called ESSENTIALS.
And, it's exactly that!
Essential listening!
If you work with me, want to work with me or just want to know more about my approach to nutrition then these episodes are your staples.
They are foundational to the tools I teach and I know these episodes contain a lot of golden nuggets of information.
Prepare yourself for those lightbulb moments 💡
Food Associations = The sneaky habit you didn't realise was a food association and that's why you can't seem to stick to your goals.
Anti-motivation = This is the moment you realise motivation is a hindering you not helping you.
Fat Loss = Your new strategy for changing your body.
Yes-but-No Moments = You can't change your eating without changing your psychology.
Edging = How to enjoy food and not over-eat, my favourite hack.